What are civets?
Civets are small carnivores. They belong to one of the most ancient families of Feliformia ("cat-like" animals): the Viverridae family. Whilst they are cat-like, civets are not cats. In fact, they have several anatomical differences to cats. Civets have longer mussels, they have tufts of whiskers that run along the lower jaw, they have shorter legs, and they have five toes on their hind feet. Civets also have less developed carnassial teeth than cats as they are not obligate carnivores and so have not developed the same dentition to shred meat.
The Viverridae family consists of civets, oyans, binturong, linsang and genets- all of which are small bodied carnivores found in Asia and Africa. Whilst these species are the most primitive of the Feliformia alive today, they are amongst the most poorly researched family of Carnivores. This is because civets and their Viverrid cousins tend to be nocturnal, solitary, and highly elusive which makes them very difficult to study in the wild. Most species are also arboreal (tree dwelling) and so can be difficult to observe from the ground.
Most members of the Viverridae family have a wide ranging diet consisting of seasonal fruits, plant matter, small rodents, birds, and carrion. Some species, such as the Owston's civet (Chrotogale owstoni) who are terrestrial, feed mainly on earthworms as well as the occasional frog, lizard or small ground dwelling mammal.
There are an estimated 33 species in the Viverridae family, though this is debated. Advances in phylogenetic research has led some researchers to propose changes to Viverrid classification such as reclassifying some Viverrid species into subspecies.
The Civet Project is dedicated to all Viverrid species, though to date our research has focusses mostly on civets founds throughout southeast Asia- those who are at risk of the civet coffee industry, indiscriminate snaring, the pet trade and wild meat.

Like their name suggests, Common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) are commonly found throughout their species range which covers large swathes of south and southeast Asia from India and Nepal, to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and across the Indonesian archipelago.
Although this species is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, their populations are declining as the species faces increasing threats.
Common palm civets are highly adaptable animals and have become well versed at living on the edges of farmland and urban areas. This has unfortunately resulted in them being seen as "pests" in many areas. Where they used to be hunted and killed, now they are traded as pets and for the civet coffee industry.
Civets are most well known for their role in the production of civet coffee- coffee which is partially digested by civets. Unfortunately, rising consumer demand since the early 2000's has resulted in mass caged production. Now, civets across Asia are caged in terrible conditions where they are force fed coffee. Civets are also caged and drugged in civet coffee tours so that tourists can pose with them.

Masked palm civets (Paguma larvata) are found throughout lowland and montane forests up to 2500m elevations across regions of southeast Asia. Like common palm civets, masked palm civets are very adaptable to anthropogenic activity because they can survive on a range of foods including fruits, vegetation and small prey animals. Masked palm civets are mostly nocturnal and they can be both terrestrial and arboreal.
Like common palm civets, masked palm civets are popular pets in Indonesia and can be found in urban environments in greater numbers than before the civet pet trade became part of a popular wild pet subculture of urban and suburban young adults. Masked palm civets are often called "jumbo civets" by civet pet keeping enthusiasts on account for their larger size compared to their common palm civet cousins.
Masked palm civets are most well known for their role in the 2004 SARS epidemic which was traced to masked palm civets that had been butchered and cooked in a restaurant in China. Civet meat in china is considered a delicacy and is often sold as part of the luxury tiger (civet), phoenix (chicken), serpent (snake) soup. Still today, masked palm civet images feature in news articles about zoonotic disease. Like the bat, civets have become an icon of zoonotic disease.

Binturong (Arctictis binturong) are distributed across South and South-East Asia, mostly in primary and secondary forests. They are the largest member of the Viverridae family and can measure up to 5.25ft (160cm) from their nose to the tip of their tail. In fact, their tail is one of their most impressive features! Binturong are the largest mammal in the world with a prehensile tail- which means they can use their tail as a fifth limb. Their tail aids them in a semi-arboreal lifestyle, predominantly feeding on fruits, particularly the Fig tree. Binturongs have been identified as a key seed disperser for this species and others, giving them an essential role in forest regeneration. Binturong activity is still a mystery, with a combination of nocturnal, crepuscular and diurnal sightings, demonstrating their elusive nature. This elusiveness continues, as they spend the majority of their lives in solitude. There is currently limited scientific knowledge on their wild reproductive and social behaviours.
Unfortunately, due to their large size and more terrestrial nature, binturongs are targeted by many industries. Snaring is prolific within their range, and binturongs are at greater risk than more arboreal civets. They are Illegally captured for processing larger amounts of civet coffee, meat, fur and traditional medicine. The traditional medicine is likely extracted from the musk they produce, which requires painful and cruel techniques.
Binturong are listed as Vulnerable to Extinction by the IUCN, and are decreasing, which means their trade is strictly regulated. Unlike common palm civets and masked palm civets, it is illegal to capture and sell binturong into the civet coffee or wild meat industries and permits are required to keep them in captivity. However, this continues, due to their large size, they are illegally used for civet coffee, meat, fur, traditional medicine, and the pet trade. Other threats to Binturongs include habitat loss and degradation, as they generally need continuous forest. Fragmentation of existing habitat also further exposes them to illegal hunting and capture, as they descend to the ground more than other civets, they are especially at risk of snaring.
Binturong are most well known for their role as zoo ambassadors. Of all the civet species in the world, they are the most commonly represented Viverrid species in zoos globally. If you visit a binturong at a zoo, you'll notice that they smell like popcorn- a unique scent produced by their perennial glands which they use for scent marking their territory.
The Civet project is working to Reverse The Red on Binturong decline, by raising awareness of their plight and collaborating with other organisations to aid their wild populations.

Owston's civets (Chrotogale owstoni) are the only member of the Chrotogale genus within the Viverridae family. They can occur in a variety of evergreen habitats, primarily forests and wooded lowland river basins. Their distribution in Lao PDR, China and Vietnam is limited to these declining habitats, with one remaining stronghold in The Annamite Mountain Range. Owstons are very unique and differ from other species of civets in various ways; one being their activity. They are terrestrial, meaning they spend the majority of their time on the forest floor. This may be due to their diet, which is also unique as it is made up largely of insects, particularly earthworms. Though there is a lack of field research, they are presumed to be mostly solitary, however, there is not much known about their reproduction or territorial behaviours.
Unfortunately, their terrestrial nature combined with their habitat preference for the forests and wooded lowland river basins of northern Vietnam, Laos and southern China, have rendered Owston's civets highly vulnerable to human activities. Owston's civets are extremely susceptible to indiscriminate snaring which is pervasive throughout their range. Once caught, Owston's civets are illegally traded into the exotic pet, and wild meat industries. Due to their diet, they cannot be used for civet coffee, but can be illegally captured and held in these facilities until sold for other means.
Owston's civet are listed as Endangered by the IUCN and recent research described the species as facing "impending extinction." Climate change and habitat fragmentation are also forcing owstons civets to higher elevations. The Annamite Mountain Range is now considered the species last remaining stronghold. There is currently only one in-situ breeding and release programme for this species, located in Vietnam.
The Civet Project has highlighted the owston's civet's plight through pledges to Reverse The Red on the species decline, and have released a documentary highlighting the impact of the civet coffee industry on their wild populations.

Otter civet (Cynogale bennettii)
The otter civet (Cynogale bennettii) is potentially one the the most elusive and mysterious of the Viverridae family, and are the only living members of the Cynogale genus. As their name suggests, they carry similar characteristics to otters in their broad face, long thick whiskers, dark pelt and webbed feet. Unlike otters, they have a very characteristic short stumpy tail! These interesting anatomical features aid them in their swampy, wetland, low-land forest homes in Sunadic southeast Asia. Otter civet are believed to be semi-aquatic based on their features, and have a diet of fish, crabs, molluscs, small mammals and birds. There is a great deal of missing information about the otter civets ecology and specific habitat trends, with no information on breeding or social behaviours. We can assume that like other Viverrids, they are elusive, solitary and nocturnal.
The otter civet is listed as Endangered and decreasing on the IUCN Red List. Their main threat is the destruction of primary forest habitat for agriculture and urbanisation. Pollution of waterways is also a major threat, due to their semi-aquatic nature they are sensitive to machine run off, wastewater and garbage pollution to name a few. Snaring is also common in their range, and the destruction of habitat may put them at further risk, especially due to their terrestrial nature. There are currently an estimated 2,490 individuals left.
Despite their charismatic faces, with large forward facing eyes and big whiskered noses, and the similar looking otter being known across the world, otter civets are largely absent from the public eye and are completely absent from accredited zoos. This species is highly illusive, and seemingly difficult to study, but their rapidly declining numbers calls for more research and conservation action.

African civet
(Civettictis civetta)
The African civet (Civettictis civetta) is found across Africa, absent from only the very northern and southern tips, and Madagascar. They utilise a variety of habitats, including shrubland, secondary forest, woodland and degraded or cultivated agricultural land. These adaptable individuals are opportunistic feeders, and may eat fruits, cereals, insects or meat; making them omnivorous. African civets are mostly terrestrial, and may have extensive home ranges of 11km2! Though they typically traverse this expanse in the dark, being nocturnal. They live alone within this range and are typically only sighted in pairs during breeding periods. There is currently limited scientific knowledge on the particular intricacies of their reproductive and social behaviours.
These civets are historically heavily used for their civetone excretions, a substance painfully extracted from their anal glands to add to perfumes. Due to artificial replacements, it is believed this practice has been reduced. However, there is still demand for natural civetone, and therefore still a demand to capture wild individuals, which typically perish within three weeks due to stress and mistreatment. They are also still heavily trapped for meat and skin, as they do not breed well in captivity. Further, their presence around agriculture and villages can cause damages, and they are consequently viewed as a pest meaning lethal action may be taken against them.
The african civet is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red list, yet, their current population trend is “unknown”, meaning there is not enough data to evaluate. This is concerning, as there is ongoing wild capture, human-wildlife conflicts and increasing rates of habitat reduction in many parts of their range which could be impacting their population numbers.
The Civet Project is currently helping to increase research on the African civet via the Night Roamers research project in South Africa.

Large spotted genet
(Gennetta maculata)
The large spotted genet (Gennetta maculata) is a part of the Genetta genus and is widely distributed across most of Africa from Chad to South Africa. They have been found in a variety of elevations, up to 3,400m and utilise a range of habitats, including savannah, rainforest, swampy areas, forests and urban areas. This variation in habitat use suggests a semi-arboreal lifestyle and adaptable, omnivorous diet. They feed on a combination of insects, small mammals, reptiles and even human refuse. Similar to other Viverrids, they are nocturnal and typically use day roosts in tree hollows or urban structures. There is not extensive research on wild breeding and social behaviours, however, it is presumed they are mostly solitary and raise young within den sites.
Large spotted genets are at risk due to their presence around urban areas. They can be viewed as a pest due to poultry depredation, and be poisoned, trapped or killed. They are also captured for the bushmeat industry, the extent of this is largely unknown.
Large spotted genets are listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red list, yet, their current population trend is “unknown”, meaning there is not enough data to evaluate. As there are ongoing human-wildlife conflicts with this species, it is important for research to focus on evaluating if this is causing a decreasing population trend.
Despite the name, these viverrids are not overly large, but are longer than other species, with a tail to nose length of around 2.82ft (86cm), and though they are very similar to the small-spotted genet, they can be distinguished by their black tipped tail.