Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hooper, J. (2023) Fill Your Cup: A Multi-Species Exploration of Balinese Kopi Luwak Agrotourism. In: Tourism, Heritage and Commodification of Non-human Animals: A Posthumanist Reflection. Eds: López-López, Á., Jafet Quintero Venegas, G., and Kline, C. CABI: https://doi.org/10.1079/9781800623309.0004
Hooper, J. (2023) Thinking with Civets: The Role of Zoos in the Decolonisation of Animal Tourism. Animals. 13 (11): https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13111739
Hooper, J., Linna, M., Kassinen, S., and Salvage, J. (2022) Technologies, Bodies and Faecal Matters: Embodied Empathy with Coffee Producing Civets. Transpositiones. Journal for Transdisciplinary and Intermedial Culture Studies. 1 (2), 73-93: https://doi.org/10.14220/trns.2022.1.2.73
Hooper, J. (2022) Cat-Poo-Chino and Captive Wildlife: Tourist Perceptions of Balinese Kopi Luwak Agrotourism. Society and Animals. Pre-Print: https://brill.com/view/journals/soan/aop/article-10.1163-15685306-bja10094/article-10.1163-15685306-bja10094.xml
Hooper, J. (2022) Contamination: The Case of Civets, Companionship, COVID and SARS. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 25 (2), 167-179: https://doi.org/10.1080/10888705.2022.2028627
Conference Presentations
Hooper, J. (2023) Civet Survival Stories: Narratives from Inside an Endangered Captive Breeding Program. Multi-Species Conference, Würzburg University, Germany.
Hooper, J. (2023) At the "Dull Edge" of Extinction: Lively Stories from Inside the Owston's Civet (Chrotogale owstoni) Captive Breeding Program. EASE Residential. The University of Exeter.
Hooper, J. (2022) The Human Coffee Room: Where Art Meets Science. Environmental Humanities Month. The University of Helsinki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VY-tlJGHDw&t=821s
Hooper, J. (2022) Reading Between the Lines: The Lives and Deaths of Individual Civets Enrolled in an Ex-Situ Breeding Program. Reframing Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics. EASE Annual Conference.
Hooper, J. (2022) Keynote Speech: Animal Vehicles of Consumption. EVAT Conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj2jbQyyQEQ
Hooper, J. (2021) Through the Looking Glass: Viewing Human-Civet Encounters as a Lens through which to Challenge Anthropocentric Futures. ‘Flourishing’, AASA Annual Conference.
Hooper, J. & Kline, C. (2021) Saving Animals or Saving Face: An Analysis of Animal Rights and Tourism Industry Partnerships in Promoting Ethical Animal Tourism. Appraising Critical Animal Studies. EACAS.
Hooper, J. (2021) Cat-Poo-Chino: For the Love (and Labour) of Coffee. Witnessing and Worlding Beyond the Human: Interdisciplinary and Interspecies Conversations', Human-Animal Studies Illinois Initiative.
Hooper, J. (2021) Love and Loss in the Emergent ‘Civet Lovers’ Community. ‘Loss’, British Animal Studies Network.
Hooper, J., Harrie Liveart (2020) How to Become: Embodied Perspectives of Animal Commodification. Multispecies Heritage and Story Telling, EACAS.